Speaking Engagements
Marion Simms has extensive experience talking to various organizations, business groups and schools about her favourite subject, skin care. Here are some of the topics she covers:
- What to expect when visiting a spa for the first time.
- Eating your way to glowing skin.
- The importance of your home care regimen – the absolute musts for healthy skin.
- How to look like a Hollywood celebrity every day.
- The perfect shave – training ingrown hairs.
- Menopause – hormones & aromatherapy.
- The Three Ugly Sisters of Skin Care:
– stress
– sugar
– smoking
- Probiotics & the importance of an alkaline diet.
- 12 steps to perfect skin.
- SPFs & EPFs and why we need both.
- Skin esteem & picking.
For other professionals:
- Client History Forms – they could save your clients and your business.
- Promoting your business through social media – the pros and cons.
- Customizing your treatments to suit every client.
- How to keep yourself, your staff and your clients motivated.
- Electrotherapy and its importance in the treatment room.
If you are interested in having Ms. Simms talk to a group, school or organization you belong to, please contact her.